Free Seeds and MORE!
All Caribou Public Seed Library members may: - get free seeds - share seeds with other members - participate in workshops on: - seed harvesting - seed storing (saving) - seed testing (germination) - soil preparation - N Maine hardy varieties - pests and diseases |
Participate as:
A Member Seed Recipient: - Research and decide on the plant varieties that you need for your garden(s) - Sign Out one packet per variety per family - Grow your plants AND - Save seeds for your own use next season A Member Seed Donor: - Save seeds from your plants and drop them off at the Library; Please, include variety and growth information - Share your gardening experience with others by providing |
Garden HELP
EXPLORE our Books and Magazines for information about garden varieties BROWSE Seed Company Catalogs at the Library or online from local and Out-of-state seed companies CHECK our Events Calendar online /library-events.html or in the Library for upcoming Workshops and Seed Swaps CONTACT the University of Maine Cooperative Extension at Email Cathy at: [email protected] OR ask at the Library’s Circulation Desk |