Inspire your student (or yourself) to improve their knowledge of the United States Constitution, how our government works, and how to become involved in the political process! Playing games is a great way to test knowledge and improve understanding. PolitiCraft is a narrative-based civics card game that will inform students of the multiple pathways available to them to achieve real change in their community. The Constitution Quest is a board game that is geared toward teens and adults, challenging the players to be familiar with all the articles of and amendments to our Constitution. Test yourself with 100 flashcards used to study for success on the Naturalization Test to become a citizen of our great nation. Finally, for those visual learners, take a look at "The Infographic Guide to American Government" by Carissa Lytle and Jara Kern, which informs its reader about 4 cornerstone freedoms, the 3 branches of our government, elections, and the "power of the people".